Don’t have the time to think up some easy ideas to make you feel good or struggling to find new ways to care for yourself?
Here are 75 different ways to connect with yourself, make you feel good, find some inner peace and pleasure and enhance the life you’re living today.
- Go for a walk
- Read
- Spend some time in nature
- Do something different on your lunch break
- Buy a plant
- Grow something
- Start a new hobby
- Start a journal
- Declutter your phone and social media
- Organise your photos
- Make plans with friends
- Schedule a ‘me’ day
- Take a bath
- Research at-home pamper techniques
- Get your hair done
- Paint your nails
- Dress yourself up
- Practise deep breathing
- Wear a nice perfume
- Get some fresh air
- Check in with yourself
- Reflect on yourself
- Get a new lip balm
- Make a healthy dinner
- Buy yourself some new lingerie
- Buy yourself some new pyjamas
- Spend time with animals
- Tackle a puzzle
- Start flower pressing
- Have a picnic with a friend
- Do some light exercise
- Stretch
- Curl up in your dressing gown, blanket and hot water bottle
- Speak to someone who makes you laugh
- Change your sheets
- Exfoliate
- Colour or draw
- Organise your room
- Listen to a podcast
- Listen to your favourite album (and dance like nobody’s watching)
- List ways that you can start loving yourself more
- Do a jigsaw
- Do something creative
- Set some goals
- Create a vision board
- Get some vitamin D
- Schedule more time for yourself
- Write love notes to yourself and save them to read on bad days
- Plan your meals
- Go to a cafe or restaurant alone and take in your surroundings
- Learn something new about where you live
- Sign up for volunteering
- Write a love letter to yourself
- Purchase some quirky wellness products
- Do nothing – and enjoy it
- Book in at the spa
- Watch the sunset
- Go on a day trip by yourself
- Start a vegetable patch
- Live in nature for a day
- Walk barefoot outside
- Stargaze
- Get into direct natural light
- Boycott social media and technology for a day
- Go wild swimming
- Start a nature journal and list everything in nature you see
- Take a wellbeing hour every day
- Walk the scenic route home
- Wrap up in a blanket and have breakfast or a cup of coffee outside in the morning
- Make a smoothie
- Finish something you’ve been procrastinating
- Plan a random fun activity like ziplining, visiting a dry ski slope or kayaking
- Lie down and do a body scan
- Check in with your loved ones
- Evaluate and change the things that don’t make you happy
I hope you like some of these ideas to make you feel good. Give them a go!