Welcome, I'm Lucy

I’m a women’s mental health blogger and writer, and founder of Minds of Jupiter

I began my journey with Minds of Jupiter in February 2021 when I was unemployed and, well, didn’t really have much else to do.

As I was creating, writing and learning new skills in order to complete Minds of Jupiter and get it up to a good standard, I realised just how important a place like this is on the internet.

How amazing it would be to inspire someone each day, to live better and grow as a person. I couldn’t help but get excited about the possibilities.

I just knew it was going to be something special…

Lucy Lee Author Blogger Minds of Jupiter

To tell you more, I’d have to go right back to the beginning…

When I was a child, I was gifted a blank notebook with an amazing amount of stickers with ‘chapters’, ‘scenes’ and ‘characters’ on them. I was obsessed with creating different worlds for my mind to live in and from that, birthed my very first novel.

Of course, it wasn’t very good and neither were the next few after that.

But the one thing that that novel did teach me, was that writing can be an amazing tool is so many ways.

About Lucy Lee

When I went to university to study Film Industries and Creative Writing, I began writing seriously for the first time. I gradually became more comfortable with people reading or listening to my work even though I still cringe every time I press ‘publish‘ or ‘post‘.

As incredible as uni was, I suffered a lot with my mental health.

I found that I had so much that I had to say inside me but something was blocking it from spilling out like it usually would.

But I found my way back. And when I did, I wrote.

I wrote like my life depended on it. And in a way, it did.


After what was one of the hardest stages in my life, I felt like I needed to do something more.

I realised that I could create my own platform to discuss the topics that mean the most to me and hopefully help someone else out there who felt the same way as me.

And out of that bloomed Minds of Jupiter.

Sometimes people need the reassurance that they’re not alone in this world and that they can get through it. I want people to look at me and know that they can follow in my footsteps and feel strong again.

And as I grow older, I know I’ll learn even more about what it is to be a woman and the highs and lows that come with it and I’ve never been more excited to take it all in.

I’m not saying I’m perfect now or that I don’t have my bad days. Everyday, I’m working to be my best self and to be more accepting of who I am and who I want to be. 

The mission

Minds of Jupiter aims to reach out to the women that need to learn to love themselves. I want to share my experiences so that it inspires you to take action on your negative mindset and intrusive thoughts. For too long, we have been putting ourselves down, but we need to learn to grow out of that and embrace who we are today.

In the times when I was at my lowest, I felt like it would never end but I soon realised that any action, as small as it may be, is a big step towards putting yourself on the right track.

I want to give you the gentle nudge to show yourself some more love and give yourself more credit. When I started believing in myself more, I felt like a different person. I wasn’t afraid to accomplish my goals or work towards something that seems impossible.

I’m here if you need me.

The thought behind the name

“Minds of Jupiter? Where did you think of that?”

Like many I’ve come across, you may be thinking ‘aw, what a lovely name’ or ‘uhh, I don’t get it’ but either way, you’re wondering what it means now, right?

I put in a lot of research to come up with the perfect name to symbolise everything I am aiming for. When I used to write my uni assignments it would honestly take me more time to think of a name than it would to actually write the damn thing.

So imagine the predicament I was in trying to buy a domain name!!

When I was researching, I came across Jupiter and I knew I had to use it in my name. 

This is because Jupiter is the one planet that had the potential to be a star, but didn’t quite make it. For this reason, astronomers call it the ‘failed star’

Instead, it became the largest planet in our solar system – a beautiful swirl of clouds with a huge gravitational pull surrounded by a sprinkle of moons. 

I want to believe that my readers will be their own Jupiter. I want them to feel beautiful, be attracting and pulling great things towards them and most of all, that they can become something amazing even if they thought they were on track for something else in their lives. 

Those failures may not get you to where you thought you’d be but you’ll be a success in your own way.

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