
How To Know When You’re in Need of a New Start

How To Know When You’re in Need of a New StartNew Start

It’s hard to define what a ‘new start’ is as everyone has their own view. To me, a new start can be anything: a new day, a new habit, a new way of thinking, a new self care activity. 

There are a lot of people who probably assume that a ‘new start’ is uprooting your whole life and starting somewhere new as somebody new. That’s just not the case. You could need a new start in different parts of your life, as small as they may be. 

However, some of us struggle along, ignoring these big signs or opportunities for these delightful little new starts and never making the necessary changes to be happy. 

Read further to see some of the signs that I think are an indication that you need a new start in parts of your life. 


You’re Tired of Doing the Same Thing Daily

Many people love the predictability of an everyday routine, with a select to-do list and daily goals to live up to. But sometimes, doing the same or similar things every day can be draining, boring and can make us feel like our lives are worth more. This is especially true when we feel no satisfaction for ticking things off the list, only to have to do them all over again. 

We can see other people doing so much with their lives each day and compare our achievements to theirs, with no thought to our differences in character, privilege and desires. 

We must try to focus on ourselves and if we’re happy to continue living similar days over, then what more do you want to change? But if you’re tired and feeling like there should be more to life, you may be in need of a new start. 

You probably need to change up your day-to-day routine, do more things that challenge you each day or find a hobby you can do at home. 


You Just Want a Change or New Start

Not everyone will need a reason for wanting a new start. It may just be that you are naturally inquisitive and adventurous. Maybe your desires are different from others and you want to see a lot of the world and discover who you are, or just want to change some parts of your life because you haven’t found what is quite right for you yet. 

Just wanting a change is an indication that you need one. It shows you’re not satisfied with what you’ve already got and need to take life to the next level up.

A lot of our decisions are based on our wants and we often have to give explanations to people for why we made that choice. We’re made to feel guilty for choosing things for ourselves but we wouldn’t be happy otherwise, would we? 

So just wanting a change is a perfectly reasonable explanation for giving your life a much needed refresh. 


You’re Not Satisfied 

Again, this is purely down to your current life not fulfilling your needs and wants. Think about this in terms of a career. In a job with no satisfaction, how do you convince yourself to get up and give it your all every day? 

Eventually you would get to a point where you’d be thinking about finding a new job or changing things so that you could be happier, wouldn’t you? We are sucked in by so many things like job security, salary and loyalty. But all these things are meaningless when we’re not happy.

The guilt and the worry that the grass isn’t greener makes it hard to change but you don’t know that until you’ve tried… and isn’t not doing anything worse?

If you’re not satisfied, you’re not happy. End of. So do something about it.


You’re Bored

As we get older, settle into our environment with our partners and friends, we develop new lives and let life take us where we please. Our goals will change and we’ll have more people to think of and provide for. We get caught up in what is needed of us and ignore all the things that our own minds are asking for. 

Living life trying to please others and not ourselves will become exhausting and very boring. It’s not a bad thing to be bored of something; it tells us our brains are in need of more stimulation and we mustn’t ignore this call for help!

When you’ve endured something for a long period of time, it’s natural to feel bored by them. It could be your job, the four walls you stare at everyday, your clothes or colleagues. All of these things are adaptable in some way to make you happier. Sprucing things up and tweeking what you’ve already been given, or completely replacing them is absolutely fine. 


Your Options in Your Current Life are Minimal 

We may be in need of a new start when our current life, or parts of it, already restrict your options or opportunities. Moving, quitting your job, releasing yourself from toxic relationships/friendships can all be the new start you’re in need of to open up some new beginnings for you. 

If there are little options out there for you, you’re restricted on how far you can go and how much you can improve. 

Allow yourself to explore by creating a new start for yourself and create a life that is surrounded with amazing opportunities and pathways. 


You Know That There is More Out There For You

Like I said earlier, as humans we like comfort; we like to settle when we’re satisfied and don’t tend to explore what else is out there. 

Maybe you already know that there is more out there for you and you feel there are things holding you back in your current life. You don’t need to shake all of these things off to get where you want to be. Your new start could be waiting for you to realise you need more out of life; it could be waiting for you to finally get to that point where you can no longer be just ‘satisfied’ by life. 

That new start could be as simple as you having an epiphany about embracing life, bringing in more things that make you happy and generally being more positive. You know you are capable of doing this and opening your mind this way is letting more into your life. 


You’re Unhappy in Who You Are and Want a New Start

If you are genuinely unhappy with who you are, this is a sign you need a new start. Making changes to yourself and improving the way you think and feel about yourself can be the big change that you need. 

Whether your issues are with your lifestyle, physical image or habits that you’ve adopted, make a plan for yourself and how you’re going to make these changes in order to feel happier in yourself. 

This could also be a sign that you’ve gone in a different direction in life than you want to and something more strict and serious needs to happen for you to get back on track. 


You’re Already Going Through a Big Life Change

If there’s something big already happening in your life, whether it’s good or bad, it might be the universe telling you it’s time to make some other changes too. Be careful here though, as taking on too many projects or things to juggle can be overwhelming and stressful. 

However, in some cases, it may be beneficial to consider a new start when you’re going through some big changes already. For example, if you were offered your dream job halfway across the world, you may consider moving your whole life over there. Or you’ve just lost your job and you’re thinking about going traveling. 

Whatever it is, make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons. 


There could be many other reasons why you’re in need of a new start. If you’re considering it, find out why you’re feeling this way and don’t rule anything out. You could learn a lot about yourself by opening yourself up to a new beginning and new start. 

Find out more on new beginnings by visiting the other blog posts from January: