Personal Growth

We all want to better ourselves and be happy in our own skin in our purest forms. Learn how to grow, become your happiest self and be proud of who you are.

3 Ways to Believe in Yourself

3 Ways to Believe in Yourself

It’s easy to say to someone ‘just believe in yourself’. It takes a lot of mental work and motivation to start believing in yourself, especially when your self worth and confidence is really low.  You get all of these negative thoughts telling you that you won’t...

Why Writing Can Help You To Heal

Why Writing Can Help You To Heal

One of my earliest memories is of me trying to write my own novel. Someone, I’m guessing my mum, had bought me a notebook packed with pages and stickers to use as chapter breaks. I fell in love with it. And I thought I was amazing for writing my own story.  Now you...

Welcome, I'm Lucy

Personal Growth & Wellbeing Coach

I’ve been on a journey of self discovery and I’m constantly looking for ways to improve myself and the way I think.

I want to pass on the things I have learned so join me as I keep you updated on personal growth tips!

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