Boost Your Positive Mindset in 10 Days
positive mindset in 10 days

Most of our success relies upon our mindset and how in tune we are to our potential. When we view ourselves negatively, we lose confidence and can begin to blame other factors rather than owning up and taking action. 

What do I mean by taking action? 

I mean boosting your positive mindset. Give yourself a little kick up the bum and work on training your brain to see the positives in life instead of viewing everything as a threat or obstacle. 


boost positive mindset in 10 days


A few tips to boost your positive mindset:


Stop surrounding yourself with negativity

It’s very difficult to completely shut out all of the negativity in the world. In fact, it would be naive to think there’s no negativity out there. The news is constantly filled with mishaps, terrorism or climate change. You can walk down a high street and be reminded of the effects of the pandemic, homelessness and poverty.

It’s very difficult to avoid but we don’t need to take it with us everywhere we go. 

Letting go of negative things like memorabilia that reminds you of sadness, ‘friends’ that have no nice things to say and unnecessary stress (learn how to manage your stress levels here) can turn your mindset around completely. 

Releasing this negativity removes the things that are constantly setting you back and preventing you from having a positive mindset. 


Find solutions, not problems

There are two types of people in this world. Not to generalise, but there are. 

When faced with a problem, there are people who focus on the negatives and people who try to find a solution. 

The people who want to immediately take action and find a solution so that they can rid themselves of the problem are those that are going to achieve the most. They identify that the problem is theirs to solve and go out to achieve that.

The people that focus on the negatives often spend a lot of time moaning and blaming external factors. They think about how unfair it is that this has happened to them and don’t want to make the effort to find a way out of the problem. 

This negative thinking isn’t going to make the problem go away. It can actually attract more negativity and further issues. The people that look for people to blame and problems in their lives aren’t going to experience inner happiness unless they change their mindset. 

To do that, you must acknowledge that there is a problem and that it can be solved. If it’s a problem that was caused by your actions, you must own up to it and begin to plan for a solution. How can you redirect the problem and make up for your actions? Apologise and forgive if it is necessary and stop yourself from blaming the world or the universe for handing the problem to you. 


Practise Affirmations

This is a relatively new thing that I’ve started taking on. I never used to believe in giving myself pep talks every day until I realised the power of them. 

Sometimes we can be bombarded with so many different affirmations that we don’t know which one to focus on or put out to the universe. They can become overwhelming and confusing to a point where we don’t know what we want to manifest anymore. 

It’s great to have a handful of affirmations that you want to practise and say to yourself everyday. But focus on only that handful and don’t take on too many that you can’t keep track of what you’re manifesting. 

If you need some inspiration on what affirmations to use, follow my Iinstagram account @mindsofjupiter where I post a new affirmation every Tuesday. 

Or download my affirmations and mantras freebie!


Recite Gratitude

It sounds like a very simple one but it works so effectively. Reminding yourself each day of what you’re grateful for is directly telling your brain what amazing things you have in your life that you may be taking for granted. 

There are so many positives that we overlook because we’re surrounded by people telling us we must do better and be a better person. The news isn’t telling us how amazing our lives already are; it tells us about all of the changes that are happening in the world – good and bad.

In the UK, most of us have safe and strong shelter, are relatively financially stable and have access to health care. All of these things are inaccessible or are desperately wanted by people in other countries. 

Reciting gratitude will help to ground you and stop these overcites from happening. If you’re feeling like you’re in a very vulnerable and dark place, start small. Think about what you’ve been grateful for today. For example, you’re grateful for the fresh air that you can let into your room that you may have been holed up in all day or you’re grateful for the food in the cupboards that you may or may not have touched today. 

Improving your positive mindset is all about starting to take small action and build it up until you no longer have to force yourself to practise it. It will become a habit. 


Reflect on Your Behaviour

Your mindset and actions are linked. Your mindset influences what actions you take and vice versa. Think how many times you’ve acted a certain way and it’s made you think about things a little differently. You analyse why you behaved that way and what the benefits and drawbacks were. This can determine whether we think positively or negatively about the situation.

To ensure your actions are positive, you must reflect on them to make sure what you’re doing is influencing a positive mindset. 

Some actions may make us feel good in the moment, but there might not be many long term benefits that we don’t think about. If we are only thinking about short term positivity, we won’t be able to adopt a positive mindset. 

Reflecting on your behaviour can also make you realise all of the good things you achieve each day which can be a huge self esteem and positivity booster! If we know we’re doing at least one good thing every day then we know we’re living a life of fulfillment, joy and meaning. 

Starting your positive mindset journey with reflecting on one positive thing a day can be an easily adaptable technique to build upon and take on as a daily habit.

The FREE 10 Day Positive Mindset Workbook

My positive mindset workbook is designed to get you started on changing your mindset. It holds prompts, questions, quotes and other things that will help get you started on boosting your positive mindset. 

Ideally, you don’t need to continue using it in the long term but you can always use it to go back to whenever you feel you need it. 

If you want to give it a go, download the FREE workbook below.

Personal Growth & Wellbeing Coach

I’ve been on a journey of self discovery and I’m constantly looking for ways to improve myself and the way I think.

I want to pass on the things I have learned so join me as I keep you updated on personal growth tips!

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